donderdag 6 maart 2008

the spoon

what she is trying to say 

this is a spoon
the spoon is a spoon because it is a spoon
this spoon is here because it is here
this spoon is a spoon because it was a spoon yesterday, it is a spoon today, and it will be a spoon tomorrow
this spoon will be a spoon next year, and will probably be still a spoon when we are already dead

this spoon exist but does not have an existence
its function, essence and goal in its life were given from the outside
the spoon is a spoon because others decided for the spoon to make it a spoon
others decided for the spoon to be a spoon and to spoon

life is easy for the spoon 
it is what it is
because it is a spoon

••••tekst uit de onderzoekspresentatie 
Blikken-Oorlog (Tinned-Eyed-Wars)••••

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