maandag 10 maart 2008

migrant body of niet trots op Rita Verdonk

What is a migrant body?

It is a concept given.
I walk around it.
My point of view keeps on changing.
The theme itself is migrating. From place to place.

Migrant is a name for many different people who migrate for many different reasons.
They move to arrive somewhere else.

A migrant body is a body-1 or many- that keeps on changing.
Latin; migrare = to move from place to place
The migrant body.
The body is migrating, it is constantly moving and never arrives:
it goes from place…… place……….to place…… place………………..
A body moving through space.
A body moving through its body.

The migrant body is a nomad. Deleuze talks about nomadic thinking.
The way people think is binary, it is one way or the other.
Is it possible to think differently?
Is it possible to move through your mind as a nomad? Is the ideal nomad someone who does not move through space but through his/her mind, someone who does not imitate?
Is it possible to make new connections? Is it is possible not to put images on things and freeze their meaning? Is it possible to see the process of becoming?
From place ………… place……………to place……………to place……………

I fell into my language.
The moment I fell into it, the language was different then decades or centuries ago.
What did the word migrant meant in the Middle Ages?
History is a migrant body.

Will English be called Dutch in the future in the Netherlands?

Is money a language?

Things need to change to stay the same.
If you want things to stay the same they die.

People are the same in being different.
Every time I look at what people share at the same time I see how different they are.
What they share is what makes them different.
It is like going to the centre of a circle, but at the moment you arrive at the centre, you move away to as many points as possible…………

Hannah Arendt;
“the space in between is a space for many voices”
“the space that divides us is the space where we can meet”

Democracy is a space in between. Democracy is a space for many voices, for the majority and the minority.

In the moment between observation and interpretation lies the possibility to escape between subject and object…… that the space where the migrant body lives?

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